Kathleen Ryan, Kevin Coray, PhD, and Geoffrey Bellman

Online Assessment

This is not your ordinary team assessment.

Extraordinary Teams is the powerful new training solution that will transform your organization's teams from just plain ordinary to extraordinary! Based on the popular book, Extraordinary Groups: How Ordinary Teams Achieve Amazing Results, this combination online team inventory, participant workbook, and half-day workshop offers a thorough examination of team effectiveness. The performance improvement tool starts with an assessment of the Five Indicators of Extraordinary Team Performance followed by in-depth team discussion and developmental action planning.

So what's the difference between an ordinary team and one that's extraordinary?

Of course extraordinary teams have the ability to achieve tangible results. But they also do something ordinary teams cannot: They cultivate an exciting, collaborative environment that's built upon mutual trust, respect, and engagement. As team members, individuals experience a positive personal change—and your organization reaps the benefits of better team performance.

Learning Outcomes

  • Realize the difference between ordinary and extraordinary teamwork
  • Identify a team's ETI Profile
  • Understand team member perspectives about performance
  • Pinpoint specific team and individual actions to improve effectiveness
  • Increase team member self-awareness, trust, and commitment to the team

What makes Extraordinary Teams so effective?

Most team programs focus solely on group results. But Extraordinary Teams goes a step further with an examination of the team member experience. This dual focus leads to better performance for both the individual and the team as a whole.

How it Works

Extraordinary Teams begins with a 25-item online team assessment that measures the Five Indicators of Extraordinary Teams:Compelling Purpose, Embracing Difference, Full Engagement, Strengthened Relationships, and Profound Learning. The anonymous responses from each team member are combined to create a Team Profile that serves as the basis for the half-day workshop. Teams learn about each of the five dimensions and then make a group decision about whether or not they want to increase their collective capacity to improve the team's effectiveness. The team assessment takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. If you are not conducting the half-day workshop, we recommend you allow an hour for interpretation and group discussion.

In addition to the online team assessment, the Extraordinary Teams Facilitator Set includes all the tools you need to lead the half-day classroom workshop, from comprehensive background information and step-by-step instructions to a professional Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, discussion questions, and action planning exercises. Trainer certification is not required to administer or facilitate Extraordinary Teams.

Uses and Applications

  • Rate and discuss the teamwork experience
  • Help teams to understand the dynamics related to their performance
  • Determine if teams are—or are not—equipped to become extraordinary
  • Motivate teams to change behavior
  • Monitor and benchmark team progress

The Extraordinary Teams package provides all the tools you need to ensure a successful learning experience, from an online assessment, participant workbook, and action planning exercises to a comprehensive facilitator guide, detailed half-day workshop guidelines, professional Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, and facilitator support materials.

Includes these special features!

  • Online team assessment with full-color report
  • Identify a team's ETI Profile
  • Comprehensive facilitator guide
  • Participant workbook
  • Half-day workshop
  • Facilitator support materials
  • Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation
  • Sample participant materials
  • Action planning exercises

Target Audience: Teams at any level 

Product Type: Training workshop and online assessment 

Measures: Five indicators of extraordinary teams 

Compelling Purpose
Embracing Difference
Full Engagement
Strengthened Relationships
Profound Learning 

Time Required 
Administration: 15 minutes 
Interpretation: 1 hour 
Workshop: Half-day

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